The taxpayer must inform SARS by way of one of the following two channels:
If a taxpayer ceased to be a tax resident of South Africa, the taxpayer can inform SARS through the Registration, Amendments And Verification Form (RAV01) on eFiling by capturing the date on which the taxpayer ceased to be a tax resident under the Income Tax Liability Details section. The form can be obtained on eFiling Client Information System |South African Revenue Service ( or SARS branch by making appointment.
Note: A case will be created whereby the taxpayer will receive a letter from SARS to submit supporting documents.
Alternatively, the taxpayer can inform SARS by capturing the date on the ITR12 tax return.
If you are not registered yet on eFiling, you may continue to use the email address.
This is a new introduction to the SARS emigration process.
It is a comprehensive process where the assistance of a tax practitioner is highly beneficial.
The infamous RAV01 is a store of all information relating to a taxpayer. The Registration, Amendments and Verification (RAV01) form enables Individuals, Tax Practitioners and Registered Representatives to view and maintain legal entity registration (demographic and specific tax type) details on eFiling.
There is 54-page user guide on this form being:
On page 37 of the guide there is direction to indicate to SARS of a change..
‘All that is required in above is non-resident, and date that taxpayer became a non-resident…As a result of this, SARS should generate a case number and a letter should follow.’
In truth, this is only the start of a long process – one which cannot be avoided or taken lightly.
SARS will request a binder support pack and the taxpayer’s Balance Sheets and look to apply the rules of CGT to a deemed sale of worldwide assets. It is at this point that clients need to appreciate the support of tax practitioners and planners. Each client is different in terms of balance sheet wealth and the type of assets held.
Good tax planning can help you save taxes.